Hypnotherapy and hypnosis can have a very positive impact on the mental health of stressed out Singaporean professionals. Hypnotherapy is an efficient and effective treatment for mental and physical health challenges. By diving deep into a client’s unconscious mind and also using the body for additional healing, results are often very positive and create lasting change. The best part is, a lot of work can be done in a single session. Thankfully, the evidence for its use is quite strong which makes it a reliable alternative to more conventional therapies. Singapore ranks as the most overworked country in the world. Singaporeans themselves deem mental health as the biggest health issue they are facing. However, there is a disparity between how physical and mental health issues are treated in Singapore and this creates a lack of resources and opportunity to seek help. In 2022 and alarming 27% of Singaporens said they had seriously considered suicide or self-hurt at least once that year. 23% said that on several occasions during the course of a year they felt so stressed they were unable to cope with or deal with things. This article will explore the what, how and why of hypnotherapy and how it can significantly improve mental and physical well-being of those who use them.

What is Hypnotherapy & How Does it Work?
Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique that utilizes hypnosis to induce a state of deep relaxation and heightened awareness, often referred to as a trance. In this state, individuals are more open to suggestions and are better able to access their subconscious mind and body and have deep realizations or make significant changes in their lives. In my own approach to hypnotherapy, I utilize far more than just traditional hypnosis tools. There is an emphasis on breathwork and somatics to ensure a deeper level of realization and transformation which often involves the release of trapped emotions and stress. I call this Somatic Hypnotherapy and find it extremely effective.
Somatic hypnotherapy is a therapeutic approach that combines elements of hypnosis with techniques from somatic therapy. Somatic therapy focuses on the mind-body connection and the way psychological issues manifest in physical sensations and bodily experiences. Somatic hypnotherapy integrates hypnosis with somatic techniques to address both psychological and physical aspects of a person's well-being.
In somatic hypnotherapy sessions, the hypnotherapist guides the individual into a hypnotic state to access the subconscious mind, where deeper psychological issues and patterns are often stored. Once in this state, the hypnotherapist may use various somatic techniques to explore and address physical sensations, bodily tensions, and other somatic manifestations of psychological issues.
The combination of hypnosis and somatic techniques allows individuals to access and process subconscious emotions and beliefs that may be contributing to physical symptoms or discomfort. By addressing both the psychological and physical aspects of a person's experience, somatic hypnotherapy aims to promote holistic healing, emotional release and integration.
Overall, somatic hypnotherapy offers a unique and integrative approach to therapy that acknowledges the interconnectedness of the mind and body, facilitating deeper healing and transformation.
It's important to note that hypnotherapy is not a form of mind control, and individuals cannot be made to do anything against their will while in a hypnotic state. Rather, hypnotherapy relies on the individual's willingness to participate and engage in the process. Additionally, hypnotherapy is typically used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan and may be combined with other therapeutic techniques, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), performance coaching, somatic therapy, breathwork, or psychotherapy, to achieve the best result.
What does Hypnotherapy do to the brain?
Hypnosis can influence brainwave activity, primarily by inducing a shift towards slower brainwave patterns associated with relaxation and altered states of consciousness. In particular when I combine tools from somatic therapy and breathwork, the depth and quality of transformation significantly increases. In short, we have five main brainwave patterns. Alpha, Beta, Delta, Theta and Gamma. Our regular day-to-day state Beta is the most active. Long story short, hypnosis can relax our minds and bodies and take our brains into different states. The more relaxed we become, the more able we are to access parts of our unconscious and really change. This is because we become more open to therapeutic suggestions to change conscious and unconscious behaviors. Also, when we are in Delta mode it can be deeply, deeply relaxing which can allow for emotional memories to arise and get released.

Overall, hypnosis can modulate brainwave activity to induce a state of relaxation, heightened suggestibility, and altered consciousness, facilitating therapeutic interventions aimed at addressing various psychological issues or promoting personal development. It's important to note that individual responses to hypnosis can vary, and not everyone will experience the same changes in brain wave patterns during hypnosis and more importantly, not everyone needs to.
What kind of mental and physical problems can be addressed with Hypnotherapy?
As discussed previously, corporate stress levels are at an all time high and mental health in Singapore is being significantly impacted. Hypnotherapy and somatic hypnotherapy can be used to treat a wide variety of physical and mental health issues arising from chronic stress and the demands of high performing corporate environments. This includes:
Anxiety and Stress: Hypnosis can help induce relaxation and reduce symptoms of anxiety and stress by promoting a state of calmness and improving coping mechanisms. This is especially the case with elements of somatic therapy introduced into the process.
Phobias and Fears: Hypnotherapy techniques, such as systematic desensitization, can help individuals confront and overcome irrational fears and phobias by addressing underlying beliefs and emotions.
Addictions: Hypnosis can aid in breaking unhealthy habits and addictions, such as smoking, overeating, or substance abuse, by targeting subconscious triggers and reinforcing positive behaviors.
Chronic Pain Management: Hypnosis has been shown to be effective in managing chronic pain conditions, such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, and migraines, by altering perception and reducing the subjective experience of pain. In addition, when we are also working with somatic therapy techniques there can be a significant reduction in other chronic physical ailments.
Sleep Disorders: Hypnotherapy can assist in improving sleep quality and treating insomnia by promoting relaxation, reducing anxiety, and addressing underlying psychological factors contributing to sleep disturbances.
Depression: While not a standalone treatment for depression, hypnosis can complement other therapeutic approaches by addressing negative thought patterns, enhancing self-esteem, and promoting relaxation and emotional well-being.
Performance Enhancement: Athletes, performers, and individuals seeking to improve their performance in various domains (e.g., sports, public speaking, academic achievement) may benefit from hypnosis to overcome performance anxiety, boost confidence, and enhance focus and concentration.
Trauma and PTSD: Hypnotherapy techniques, such as regression therapy and trauma-focused interventions, can assist individuals in processing traumatic experiences, reducing intrusive memories and emotional distress, and promoting healing and resilience. In addition, breathwork, somatic work and movement during these sessions can greatly compound the benefits.
Habit Disorders: Hypnosis can help address various habit disorders, such as nail-biting, hair-pulling (trichotillomania), or skin-picking (dermatillomania), by targeting subconscious triggers and promoting alternative coping strategies.
Self-awareness: Especially with somatic hypnotherapy, clients can begin to feel and understand their nervous systems and body’s more which greatly increases their ability to notice and change how they are reacting or feeling in any given moment. This can be incredibly rewarding.
How long does hypnotherapy take to work?
In my practice when I have combined hypnotherapy and somatics, the results are very fast. After a single session, it’s possible for someone to release long held emotions, have deep realizations and make appropriate changes in their lives which facilitate long-term transformation. It's important to note that while hypnosis can be an effective therapeutic tool for many individuals, it is not a one stop solution, and results may vary. Additionally, hypnosis should always be conducted by a trained and qualified hypnotherapist within an appropriate therapeutic framework. This is why I often combine hypnotherapy with somatics, performance coaching, CBT and tools to optimize its impact and empower the client to really experience and embody change. With that in mind, I have seen some incredible results and transformations from the people I work with.
Let’s Talk About The Science
There is some idea how hypnosis works and what occurs in the brain when we are put into a hypnotic state. Luckily, as more research is conducted the positive effects of hypnotherapy are being documented and clearly identified. For example, in this paper there is strong evidence that hypnotherapy is highly effective for pain, irritable bowel syndrome, post-traumatic stress disorder, and insomnia. In addition, there is research which indicates that hypnosis is also a useful therapy for anxiety and depression. Also, hypnosis has been shown to enhance the efficacy and benefits of other therapies like cognitive behavioral therapy. The wonderful aspect of hypnotherapy is that it also has few, if any negative side-effects. It is efficient and works at solving challenges at the root level for clients and this can be very cost effective in the long run saving money on endless therapy, medications and procedures.
The unique case of Singapore & why people should seek out hypnotherapy as an alternative

There is still a lot of stigma around mental health challenges in Singapore which makes seeking help even more difficult. Young adults have the highest level of mental health issues at an alarming 25.3% and are still expected to work hard and perform well. One of the amazing benefits of hypnotherapy and somatic hypnotherapy is its efficiency and effectiveness. Clients can experience genuine relief and changes in a relatively short amount of time which can help them improve their personal and professional lives. Every session includes take away tools and techniques to help clients integrate the experience and insight into their lives and equip them to manage stress, anxiety and mental health challenges better.
Disclaimer: The above article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author. It is intended for general informational purposes and does not constitute psychological or medical professional advice. I don't diagnose medical conditions, nor do I interfere with any treatments given by your medical professional.
If you already are under the care of a doctor or under medical treatment, follow the advice and treatment recommended by your doctor. For any medical emergency, please call relevant authorities.